ಮಂಗಳವಾರ ರಜೆ

G-20 Environment Working Group visit to Bannerghatta Biological Park

As part of India’s Presidency of G-20, 1st meeting of the Environmentworking group was scheduled in Bengaluru from 9th to 11th February, 2023. The theme of the Environment group was "Arresting Land Degradation, Accelerating Ecosystem Restoration and Enriching Biodiversity". Bannerghatta Biological Park (BBP) was selected as part of their site visit where a group of 80 delegates from G-20 member countries visited the Safari and Butterfly Parkon 9th February 2023.

Delegates were received by Bannerghatta Biological Park guides at Arboretum,maintained by Bannerghatta National Park, Kalkere. A guided walk into the different types of forestsgrown by the forest department, within this area, since 1980’s was organized.

After the walk, all the delegates were briefed about Bannerghatta Biological Park in their designated vehicles and a short movie showing insights into how Jenu kuruba tribal community has contributed towards Ex-situ conservation at Bannerghatta was played until the delegates reached Butterfly Park.

Upon arrival, delegates were welcomed by Zoo Authority of Karnataka chairman Sri. Shivakumar; Member Secretary and APCCF, Sri, B. P Ravi; Executive Director, Dr. Sunil Panwar and other officers from the Indian Forest Serviceand ZAK members at butterfly park of Bannerghatta Biological Park.

Delegates were split into 4 groups and were taken for a Butterfly Park guided tour by Amala, Aishwarya, Mahadeva, Loknath and Manikanta. During the butterfly park tour the delegates were informed about the contribution of BBP towards the theme of the Environment group through forest protection from anthropogenic factors and the diverse biodiversity, post-protection of the degraded land leading to ecosystem restoration. Ecological importance of butterflies and their different stages of life cycle were displayed inside the conservatory dome area where delegates also had the privilege of releasing newly emerged butterflies.

Further, delegates were taken to safari in BBP and KSTDC AC and Non-AC busses. To have an enriching experience for the delegates during the safari visit veterinarians, education officers, biologists and volunteers from Bannerghatta and other zoos were trained as guides.

This included the Herbivore safari, where different species of herbivores such as spotted deer, Sambar, Nilgai, Blackbuck and Gaur were spotted in the 68 hectares habitat. This was followed by the Elephant Care Center, where the delegates could see the oldest elephant,who is around 86 years old and meet the other members of the herd along with their care takers, the mahouts belonging to Jenu kuruba tribal community hailing from Nagarahole forest in the Western Ghats.

Further, they visited the Lion and Tiger safari where they could see these big cats from up-close and learn about them from the guides. On returning back from the safari delegates were briefed about the topography and geology of Bannerghatta Biological Park and Bannerghatta National Park.

The program ended at Jungle Lodges unit, wherethe delegates got a chance to interact with some of the tribal communities from Bandipur region, who are trained to convert the commonly found weed in the forests across Karnataka "Lantana camera" into handicrafts and furniture. Along with this Wild Karnataka documentary, showcasing the biodiversity of Karnataka was screened for the delegates along with high tea.

It was an immense pleasure for Bannerghatta Biological Park to host and interact with the G-20 members of the Environment working group.